2024-11-29 📜 The Intersection of Trustworthy AI and Labour Law. A Legal and Technical Study from a Tripartite Taxonomy (with Julio Losada) is published at RGDTSS n.69 (Spanish General Journal of Labor Law and Social Security, ISSN 1696-9626).
2024-11-18 📜 Structural Group Unfairness: Measurement and Mitigation by means of the Effective Resistance (with Georgina Curto and Nuria Oliver) was accepted at ICWSM 2025.
2024-11-08 🔊 I gave a talk on AI for Social Good at the V Conference on Intellectual Disability: support for a good life.
2024-09-22 🔊 I gave a 3-hours lecture on Graph Neural Networks at the delveDeepLearning online course.
2024-06-22 🔊📜 The ICML 2024 tutorial on Graph Learning: Principles, Challenges, and Open Directions (with Ameya Velingker) was succesfully presented.
2024-06-12 👥 I attended LOGML in London working on a project mentored by Joshua Robinson.
2024-04-24 📜 Graph Learning: Principles, Challenges, and Open Directions (with Ameya Velingker) was accepted at ICML 2024.
2024-04-24 📜 Structural Group Unfairness: Measurement and Mitigation by means of the Effective Resistance (with Georgina Curto and Nuria Oliver) was accepted at the 10th International Conference on Computational Social Science. Presentaiton on June 2024.
2024-03-04 📜 Towards Algorithmic Fairness by means of Instance-level Data Re-weighting based on Shapley Values (with Nuria Oliver) was accepted at ICLR 2024 workshop on Data-centric Machine Learning Research (DMLR). Poster presented in Vienna on 2024-05-11.
2024-03-04 📜 Structural Group Unfairness: Measurement and Mitigation by means of the Effective Resistance (with Georgina Curto and Nuria Oliver) was accepted at WWW 2024 workshop on Trustworthy Learning on Graphs (TrustLOG). Virtual oral presentation on 2024-05-13.
2024-02-29 🔱 I was selected to participate in the London Geometry and Machine Learning Summer School (8-12 July) to collaborate with Joshua Robinson.
2024-02-27 🔱 I joined the main organization team for Learning on Graphs conference 2024 (LoG 2024).
2024-02-13 🔱 I started a Research Felloship at Max Planck Institute - Software Systems (Kaiserslautern), adviced by Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez.
2024-02-20 🔊 I gave a guest lecture on the University of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA) on the course Ethics of Data Analytics and AI.
2024-01-31 👥 Miguel Luengo (FORMER UN CDO) visited ELLIS Alicante.
2023-12-10 🔱 I join the organization committee of ICML 2024 as Associate Chair.
2023-11-24 👥 I attended the ELLIS HCML Worshop.
2023-11-22 🔊 I gave a talk and participated on a round table at Algorithmic Societies ERC Project at CCCB Barcelona.
2023-09-24 to 2023-09-29 👥 I attended the Heildelberg Laureate Forum in Heidelberg after being selected as a Heidelberg Laureate Forum Young Researcher.
2023-03-07 to 09 🔊 I presented at the ELLIS Doctoral Symposium 2023 the paper FairShap: A Data Re-weighting Approach for Algorithmic Fairness based on Shapley Values.
2023-08-28 to 2023-09-01 👥 I attended the ELLIS Doctoral Symposium 2023 in Helsinki.
2023-06-30 🔊 I participated in a round table about sustainable AI at the Alicante Chamber of commerce (Video).
2023-05-11 🔊 I presented at TRANSFORM4EUROPE the paper FairShap: A Data Re-weighting Approach for Algorithmic Fairness based on Shapley Values.
2023-05-08 📜 We released the preprint Structural Group Unfairness: Measurement and Mitigation by means of the Effective Resistance (with Georgina Curto and Nuria Oliver).
2023-04-25 🔱 I’ve been selected as a Heidelberg Laureate Forum Student. I will attend the Heildelberg Laureate Forum in September.
2023-04-20 I attended PAI Q1 Demographic Data and Algorithmic Fairness Meeting.
2023-04-14 🔊 I got on the National Spanish News.
2023-04-05 I attended a talk by Batu.
2023-04-04 I attended a talk by Pablo.
2023-03-22 🔊 I gave a talk for 150 high-school students.
2023-03-10 📜 We released the preprint of our last work FairShap: A Data Re-weighting Approach for Algorithmic Fairness based on Shapley Values (with and Nuria Oliver).
2023-03-08 The President of the Comunitat Valenciana visit ELLIS Alicante at the ELLIS-DDMLab Workshop.
Alicante crece como polo de referencia en economía digital e innovación.
— Ximo Puig (@ximopuig) March 8, 2023
En las próximas semanas, Distrito Digital será la sede de un centenar de empresas con la apertura del Muelle 5.
También trabajamos ya para convertir las antiguas naves de Amaro en un ‘hub’ de tecnologías. pic.twitter.com/Ktf6DqkB9G
2023-03-07 to 09 🔊 I presented my work at ELLIS-DDMlab (CMU) Workshop 2023, and we spent 3 days looking for potential joint research projects.
2023-02-28 🔊 I presented an informal talk in the ELLIS HCML Reading Group about Translating Principles into Practices of Digital Ethics: Five Risks of Being Unethical (Luciano Floridi).
2023-02-22 🔊 I presented my work at a joint workshop with the JURI Committee of Legal Affairs of the European Parliament.
2023-02-06 🔱 I received the Outstanding Reviewer Award at AISTATS 2023.
2023-01-30 The National Secretary of AI in Spain, D. Carme Artigas, visited ELLIS Alicante.
La última visita de la mañana de la SE @carmeartigas es a @ELLISAlicante.
— S.E. Digitalización e Inteligencia Artificial (@SEDIAgob) January 30, 2023
🧪 Proyecto de laboratorio para una #InteligenciaArtificial ética, responsable y humanista.
🤝 En línea con la Estrategia Nacional de IA 🇪🇸@DGobiernoCV @GVAinnova pic.twitter.com/gWznKLuKBz
2022-12-22 🔊 I presented a scientific dissemination talk at SpainAI in Burgos.
2022-12-11 📜 🔊 I presented at The First Learning on Graph Conference the Tutorial on Graph Rewiring: From Theory to Applications in Fairness.
2022-12-11 📜 🔊 I presented at The First Learning on Graph Conference the paper DiffWire: Inductive Graph Rewiring via the Lovasz Bound.
2022-12-11 👥 I attended the The First Learning on Graph Conference.
2022-12-11 👥 I attended and I was program committee member of the Neurips HCML Workshop.
2022-10-25 🔊 I gave a talk in the Ministry of Economy in relation to the PERTE of the Language.
2022-09-20 👥 I attended and I was main co-organizer of the ELLIS Doctoral Symposium 2022.
2022-10-21 🔊 I presented the paper DiffWire: Inductive Graph Rewiring via the Lovasz Bound at the EDS22.
2022-09-13 👥 I attended a joint workshop by the CSIC Neuroscience Institute and ELLIS Alicante (AI-NeuroScience Workshop) and I presented my work on Algorithmic Fairness.
2022-07-17 👥 I attended ICML 22 online with free registration for being awarded as top reviewer.
2022-07-07 I attended the Adingor Young Session: knowledge Transfer and Research and Adingor Young Session: Teaching and research at the 16th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management (ICIEIM 2022 - CIO 2022).
2022-06-20 🔱 I received the Outstanding Reviewer Award at ICML 2022.
2022-06-15 📜 We released our last work DiffWire: Inductive Graph Rewiring via the Lovasz Bound, accepted at the Learning on Graphs Conference 2022 (with Ahmed Begga, Francisco Escolano and Nuria Oliver).
2022-03-11 I attended a course on Algorithmic Fairness at UPF by Prof. Carlos Castillo and Prof. Ricardo Baeza Yates.
2022-03-03 🔊 I gave a talk in the University of Burgos about Algorithmic Fairness.
2022-02-17 🔊 I was main organizer and panel moderator of the ELLIS and Qualcomm HCML+GNN Wroskhsop session.
2022-01-17 🔊 I gave a talk in the University of Alicante about Algorithmic Fairness.