
Deep Convolutional Autoencoders for reconstructing magnetic resonance images of the healthy brain

My **Msc Thesis** [*english*] graded with honours [9.6/10] about applying deep and representation learning techniques to reconstruct brain T1-weighted MRI and help in the Neuroimaging pipeline. Directed by Dr. [Baris Kanber](

Parkinson Disease Detection through Voice

My **Bsc Thesis** [*spanish*] graded with honours [9.8/10] about the application of Machine and Transfer learning techniques to the Parkinson's Disease detection through the voice biomarkers. Directed by Dr. [Cesar I. García-Osorio]( and Dr. [Jose F. Díez-Pastor](

Other Projects on my GitHub

I have also open to public another projects like statistical analysis of COVID-19 timeseries, the application of GANs for model debiasing or a very brief collaboration in the development of UBUMLaaS a platform of Machine Learning as a service.