Adrián Arnaiz-Rodríguez

Adrián Arnaiz-Rodríguez

Artificial Intelligence PhD Student

ELLIS Alicante

I am a PhD student at ELLIS in Alicante Unit as part of the ELLIS PhD & PostDoc Program. I am very lucky to be supervised by Dr. Nuria Oliver and to have done an exchange at MPI-SWS advised by Dr. Manuel Gómez Rodríguez.

I’m currently focused on the sociotechnical problems of Machine Learning in Decision-making: Algorithmic Fairness and Graph Neural Networks. I’m delving into the ethical implications of such decisions made by ML models, including concepts such as transparency, accountability, reliability, and fairness. Therefore, the main projects are developing algorithms that improves understanding of ML models with a focus un the data and it’s representations (how the data should be to make ML models fair?), the fairness problem in networks (the natural societal data type), the unexpected effects of this models, and, last but no least, the actual application in the society (regulation and politics).

In the past, I’ve mainly worked in ML and DL applied to life science, as in my Bachelor’s and Master’s Thesis - both with outstanding results (honours) -. Besides, I also researched in network science and graph theory, leading to some conference papers about the understanding of the acadamic network.


  • AI & ML for Decision Making
  • Algorithmic Fairness and Trustworthy AI
  • Graph Neural Networks and Network Science
  • ELLIS PhD student in ML, started on Dec 2021

    ELLIS Alicante and exchange at MPI-SWS

  • MSc in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, 2021

    Open University of Catalonia (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)

  • BSc in Computer Science, 2019

    Burgos University


(2024). Structural Group Unfairness: Measurement and Mitigation by means of the Effective Resistance. In TrustLOG Workshop at WWW 2024 AND IC2S2.

PDF Cite Slides Source Document DOI

(2024). FairShap: A Data Re-weighting Approach for Algorithmic Fairness based on Shapley Values. In DMLR workshop at ICLR 2024.

PDF Cite Code Slides Video Source Document DOI

(2022). DiffWire: Inductive Graph Rewiring via the Lovász Bound. In Learning On Graphs 2022.

PDF Cite Code Poster Slides Source Document DOI

(2022). Mapping the scientific structure of Organization and management of enterprises using complex networks. In IJPME.

PDF Cite Source Document DOI

(2021). Videoconferencing Software Options for Telemedicine: A Review for Movement Disorder Neurologists. Appl. Sci..

PDF Cite Code Source Document DOI doi

(2021). Computer Science doctoral research in Spain. A relational perspective. In Actas CAEPIA XIX.

PDF Cite Source Document

(2021). Analysis of the Learning Process through Eye Tracking Technology and Feature Selection Techniques. Appl. Sci..

PDF Cite Source Document DOI doi

(2020). Network analysis of co-participation in thesis examination committees in an academic field in Spain. In 14th CIO.

Cite 14th CIO Homepage Book of Abstracts

(2020). Unveiling the informal structure of an academic field in Spain. A network analysis.. In VI COMSOTEC WORKSHOP.

Cite Source Document Comsotec Homepage


Heidelberg Laureate Forum Young Researcher

2023 - 10th Heidelberg Laureate Forum

💡 I have been selected as one of the 200 young researchers to attend the 10th edition of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation in 2023 to spend a week attending talks and working together with more than 25 Laureates in the fields of Maths, Computer Science or Physics.

Outstanding Reviewer AISTATS 2023

2023 - Artificial Intelligence and Statistics 2023

💡 Selected as Outstanding Reviewer of AISTATS 2023 (Top 10 %)

Outstanding Reviewer ICML 2022

2022 - International Conference on Machine Learning 2022

💡 Selected as Outstanding Reviewer of ICML 2022 (Top 10 %)

FPU PhD Fellowship (Declined)

2021 - Spanish Goverment - Universities Ministry

📚 Doctoral Fellowship given by Spanish Goverment. FPU20/03687. Grants for pre-doctoral contracts for the completion of doctoral theses, in Spanish Universities.

Extraordinary Award of Degree in Computer Engineering

2019 - Council of the University of Burgos

📚 Award for the best student qualification record of the Computer Engineering Degree from the University of Burgos, academic year 18/19.

Prototype Award

2019 - OTRI (Information Transfer Office of Burgos University)

💡 Project awarded: BSc Thesis:Use of bio-markers extracted from the voice for the detection of Parkinson. Financial aid and one year of advice for the project.

Undergraduate Research Fellowship

2019 - University of Burgos

📚 Assistant research Fellowship in the Civil Engineering department of the University of Burgos, research group ADMIRABLE. Research in the project ‘Use of biomarkers extracted from the voicefor the detection of Parkinson’, which is my final degree project (BSc Thesis), evaluated with honors.

3rd place in Spin-Up CyL Contest

2017 - Spin Up - Junior Achievement

💡 3 months of advice and access to conferences in Google for Startups Campus

8 out of 10 MSc Subjects graded with honours, included Thesis

GPA: 9.7 / 10

10 out of 39 BSc Subjects graded with honours, included Thesis

GPA: 8.9 / 10

Scientific community


Program Committee member and Conference Reviewer

  • NeurIPS 2024 - Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
  • ICS2S 2024 - International Conference on Computational Social Science
  • AISTATS 2024 - Artificial Intelligence and Statistics
  • AISTATS 2023 - Artificial Intelligence and Statistics - Top 10%
  • FAccT 2023 - ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency.
  • ICML 2022 - International Conference on Machine Learning - Top 10%
  • NeurIPS 2022 HCAI Workshop - NeurIPS 2022 workshop on Human Centered AI [Link] - PC member.
  • WWW'22 - The Web Conference 2022 , ACM, New York.
  • ECML-PKDD 2022 - European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases

Workshop Reviewer

  • NeurIPS 2024 AFME Workshop - NeurIPS 2024 Algorithmic Fairness through the Lens of Metrics and Evaluation
  • NeurIPS 2023 AFT Workshop - NeurIPS 2023 workshop on Algorithmic Fairness through the Lens of Time
  • NeurIPS 2022 AFCP Workshop - NeurIPS 2022 workshop on Algorithmic Fairness through the Lens of Causality and Privacy [Link]

Journal Reviewer

  • IEEE TNNLS 2023 - IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems - Special Issue Graph Learning.
  • PeerJ 2023 - PeerJ Computer Science.
  • JMLR 2023 - Journal of Machine Learning Research
  • Journal of Complexity 2022
  • IEEE TCSS - IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 2022.



Research Fellow
Feb 2024 – Aug 2024 Kaiserslautern
ELLIS PhD exchange student in Machine Learning at MPI-SWS advised by Dr. Manuel Gomez Rodriguez. Project on Human-AI collaboration.
PhD Student
Nov 2021 – Present Alicante
ELLIS PhD student in Machine Leaning at ELLIS Unit Alicante and excahnge in MPI-SWS advised by Dr. Nuria Oliver and Dr. Manuel Gomez Rodriguez as advisors. Partially founded by several sources: INTEL, ELIAS European project [101120237-HORIZON-CL4-2022-HUMAN-02], Generalitat Valenciana and Bank Sabadell.
Research Staff
Dec 2020 – Aug 2021 Burgos
  • DATAHES: Data Analysis Techniques Applied in Health Environments Sciences.
  • Data Analysis in web behaviour
  • European project 2019-1-ES01-KA204-065615
Research staff
Jan 2020 – Sep 2020 Burgos
  • ADMIRABLE: Advanced Data MIning Research And [Business intelligence | Bioinformatics | Big Data] LEarning.
  • Support VR research in data mining
  • Support in MLaas platfomr: UBUMLaas
  • Research in Network Analysis: 2 conference works
  • Research in Parkinson’s Disease detenction through voice
Inteligent Automation Consultant
Sep 2019 – Dec 2019 Madrid
Develop of Machine Learning models and data processing pipelines to embed AI models in RPA processes.
Research fellow
Dec 2018 – Jul 2019 Burgos
Research assistant scholarship in the Civil Engineering department of the University of Burgos, research group ADMIRABLE. Working with collaboration grant. Research in the project “Use of biomarkers extracted from the voice for the detection of Parkinson”, which was my Bachelor’s Thesis, evaluated with honors.