I am a PhD student at ELLIS in Alicante Unit as part of the ELLIS PhD & PostDoc Program. I am very lucky to be supervised by Dr. Nuria Oliver and to have done an exchange at MPI-SWS advised by Dr. Manuel Gómez Rodríguez.
I’m currently focused on the sociotechnical problems of Machine Learning in Decision-making: Algorithmic Fairness and Graph Neural Networks. I’m delving into the ethical implications of such decisions made by ML models, including concepts such as transparency, accountability, reliability, and fairness. Therefore, the main projects are developing algorithms that improves understanding of ML models with a focus un the data and it’s representations (how the data should be to make ML models fair?), the fairness problem in networks (the natural societal data type), the unexpected effects of this models, and, last but no least, the actual application in the society (regulation and politics).
In the past, I’ve mainly worked in ML and DL applied to life science, as in my Bachelor’s and Master’s Thesis - both with outstanding results (honours) -. Besides, I also researched in network science and graph theory, leading to some conference papers about the understanding of the acadamic network.
ELLIS PhD student in ML, started on Dec 2021
ELLIS Alicante and exchange at MPI-SWS
MSc in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, 2021
Open University of Catalonia (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
BSc in Computer Science, 2019
Burgos University
💡 I have been selected as one of the 200 young researchers to attend the 10th edition of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation in 2023 to spend a week attending talks and working together with more than 25 Laureates in the fields of Maths, Computer Science or Physics.
💡 Selected as Outstanding Reviewer of AISTATS 2023 (Top 10 %)
💡 Selected as Outstanding Reviewer of ICML 2022 (Top 10 %)
📚 Doctoral Fellowship given by Spanish Goverment. FPU20/03687. Grants for pre-doctoral contracts for the completion of doctoral theses, in Spanish Universities.
📚 Award for the best student qualification record of the Computer Engineering Degree from the University of Burgos, academic year 18/19.
💡 Project awarded: BSc Thesis:Use of bio-markers extracted from the voice for the detection of Parkinson. Financial aid and one year of advice for the project.
📚 Assistant research Fellowship in the Civil Engineering department of the University of Burgos, research group ADMIRABLE. Research in the project ‘Use of biomarkers extracted from the voicefor the detection of Parkinson’, which is my final degree project (BSc Thesis), evaluated with honors.
💡 3 months of advice and access to conferences in Google for Startups Campus
GPA: 9.7 / 10
GPA: 8.9 / 10